Overview of our Core
The Vermont Biomedical Research Network Data Science Core provides data science support to life science researchers in Vermont and Northeast Regional IDeA States. The Core provides a diversity of services to its users with expertise in biostatistics, microarray data analysis, proteome informatics, next generation sequencing data analysis, functional analysis, database development and information technology, including data storage infrastructure and high performance computing. Working closely with the VBRN Proteomics Facility, we offer investigators experimental design consultations, comprehensive data analysis, data management and publishing, and manuscript and grant support. Core personnel also engage in teaching and training activities for data analysis and compute resources necessary for VBRN network investigators. Our goal is to provide network researchers with the bioinformatics expertise needed to help advance their life science research and to obtain competitive grant funding and publications.
VBRN Data Science Core members also participate in regional and national projects to promote the sharing of research resources, including the CoreMarketplace, a free global interface for sharing scientific resources, developed and maintained by this Core.
Getting Started
- Just starting? Fill out a bioinformatics service request in iLab and we’ll contact you to schedule a consultation.
- Login to your iLab account with your approved iLab credentials in the top right corner.
- If you don’t have an iLab account sign up for one here!
Links and Resources
Operational Policies
- Quantitative proteomics, motif analysis, identifying enriched motifs and structural domains, and homology analyses for functional predictions
- Experimental design, power analysis, differential expression analysis, linear mixed model, variance analysis, clustering, and hypothesis testing for microarray and RNA-Seq data
- RNA-Seq analysis (alignment, quantification & differential expression)
- Microarray data differential expression and copy number analysis
- ChIP-Seq data analysis
- Functional-group analysis of variance of microarray and RNA-Seq data: KEGG Pathway-ANOVA and GO-ANOVA analyses
- Enrichment analysis – enrichment analysis of genes, motifs, structural domains and post-translational modifications. Software used includes DAVID, Partek Genomics Suite, Motif-x, Scansite, PhosphositePlus
- Data publishing- data deposition into public repositories
- Grant proposal and manuscript support- bioinformatics methods and results text, figure, and table preparation