Name: Ruby Kagaragwa
Home institution: Norwich university
Year in Fall 2022: Junior
What I am researching: I am working on a machine learning algorithm that can accurately predict the outcome of a gunshot wound.
Future goals: I hope to work on language translation using machine learning.
DYK (Did You Know?): I like drawing and painting on occasion

Name: Annika Beebe
Home Institution: Norwich University
Year in Fall 2022: Senior
What am I researching: We are studying the connection between real and imagined movement of bimanual coordination. Using EEG technology, we are exploring the brain changes that occur when learning a new bimanual coordination skill. This will have applications in the treatment of from stroke, ALS, and other limb impairing complications.
Future goals: I plan to obtain a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
DYK?: I am a member of the Norwich Corps of Cadets and the Women’s Varsity Softball team.

Name: Caleb Opoku Sarfo
Home institution: Norwich University
Year in Fall 2022: Freshman Year (Freshman 2)
What I am researching: Our overall research question is can we utilize machine learning models to determine risk factors for US youth who present to an emergency department with a gunshot wound. My part of this project is to determine the feature importance of each factor in our dataset. That is, I want to determine if there is a subset of features that can provide the same predictive performance as the entire dataset.
Future goals: After graduating as a Nursing student, I plan to work for a while to gain some work experience, then hopefully, I will apply to graduate school to further my education.
DYK?I really love to paint whenever I get the chance to, and I recently started learning to play the piano.

Name: Elias Gabrielsson
Home Institution: Norwich University
Year in Fall 2022: Senior
What am I researching: I am working with Dr. Sisti of the psychology department at Norwich University. The project is focused on bimanual coordination and interhemispheric coupling. We are also working on connecting EEG signals to a BCI (Brain Computer Interphase) to perform a visuomotor task without the use of one’s hands.
Future Goals: My future goals are to finish my studies at Norwich and receive my degree of a BA in Psychology with minors in Criminology and Sociology. After that I will keep every door open for opportunities related to jobs and careers. I am also thinking about going back to school in my native country of Sweden to pursue a higher educational degree.
DYK?: I am a member and captain of the Norwich Men’s Soccer team.

Name: Mercedes Bishop
Home institution: Norwich University
Year in Fall 2022: Senior
What I am researching: We are studying the correlation between imaginary and real bimanual coordination. We are doing this by using EEG signals to capture neural changes in real-time. This research can later be used to help individuals who have movement disorders of the upper limbs.
Future goals: I aim to receive my degree in Neuroscience and BS in Psychology. I have plans to go to medical school to become a neurologist.
DYK?: I am a Pro-OCR runner and plan to complete 4 world championships this fall/winter